November 15, 2015
El Niño is likely to be heading our way this winter, bringing upwards of 30 inches of rain to Los Angeles! Our city, sealed in concrete, sends dirty, trash-filled water straight to the ocean—extending the drought and harming local wildlife. But there’s another way: rainwater harvesting! Rainwater harvesting minimizes flooding, decreases ocean pollution and stores water to give trees and plants a drink, even when the rain is long gone. Are you ready to be a part of the solution? Clockshop is partnering with Rain Barrels International and TreePeople to host a rain barrel sale and distribution. Pre-order and pay for your barrels through Rain Barrels International’s website, and pick them up at the Bowtie Project.
Be sure to apply for a rebate on water barrels through the Metropolitan Water District here:
TreePeople will be offering installation demonstrations during the distribution, and a watershed site tour of the Bowtie Project from 11:00 – 12:00
There are 199 spaces available. Event capacity information is updated every hour on TreePeople’s website.