August 27, 2008
In August of 2008 dinner will be made of (mostly) harvested and foraged fruit and vegetables plus a few market items from the neighborhoods of Los Angeles. Ushered in will be the (almost) fall season of Clockshop’s programming, shared together over a Fallen Fruit meal. Artist and chef David Thorne will prepare food that Fallen Fruit has provided.
Fallen Fruit is a mapping and manifesto for free fruit. Every day there is food somewhere going to waste. We encourage you to find it, tend and harvest it. We believe fruit is a resource that should be commonly shared, like shells from the beach or mushrooms from the forest. Fallen Fruit has moved from mapping to planning fruit parks in under-utilized areas. Our goal is to get people thinking about the life and vitality of our neighborhoods and to consider how we can change the dynamic of our cities and common values. Share with the world and the world will share with you. Barter, don’t buy! Give things away! You have nothing to lose but your hunger!
Fallen Fruit is David Burns, Matias Viegener, and Austin Young.